Ce cours est une introduction aux outils techniques et conceptuels essentiels à la planification urbaine et à la prise de décisions basées sur l'évidence. Ces outils sont introduits dans le contexte d
Le cours explore, sous la forme de projets de groupes, les textes fondateurs des cultures antiques (Proche-Orient ancien, Grèce, Rome, Egypte).
En fin de semestre, les groupes présentent leur oeuvre d
A house is the simple topic of this studio. A matter of simple complexity. Starting as reference from an architect's drawing and a pavilion; constructing a "space to be". Then making two houses, "a pl
A house is the simple topic of this studio. A matter of simple complexity. Starting as reference from an architect's drawing and a pavillon; constructing a "space to be". Then making two houses, "a pl
This course develops teaching skills through the introduction of research-informed approaches and the opportunity to practice strategies appropriate for higher education science and technology contex
Political Economy of Design (PED) seeks to position and discuss architecture in relation to the world of production, economic interests and community benefits or decisions, at a local and global scale
The course focuses on designing and managing water systems to ensure sustainable use for both human and environmental needs. Engineering aspects:water quantity, quality, timing, distribution. Manageme
The intent of this project is to encourage interchange between students and their mentors. Each student, in consultation with her or his mentor, will choose a company that the student will analyze in
The student applies knowledge and know-how previously acquired in the classroom in the context of a research project that is consistent with his/her orientation ("Track") choice.
Students attend the Physical Chemistry seminars to become familiar with current topics in Physical Chemistry and broaden their horizon beyond their own field. The course work involves essays, summariz