ME-251: Thermodynamics and energetics IThe course introduces the basic concepts of thermodynamics and heat transfer, and thermodynamic properties of matter and their calculation. The students will master the concepts of heat, mass, and mom
MSE-431: Physical chemistry of polymeric materialsThe student has a basic understanding of the physical and physicochemical principles which result from the chainlike structure of synthetic macromolecules. The student can predict major characteristic
CH-329: Preparative chemistry IILaboratoire de chimie avancée.
L'admission au TP est conditionnée à la réussite de 2 des 3 cours suivants : CH-222 Coordination chemistry, CH-223 Organometallic chemistry, CH-233 Fonctions et réactio
MSE-101(a): Materials:from chemistry to propertiesCe cours permet l'acquisition des notions essentielles relatives à la structure de la matière, aux équilibres et à la réactivité chimique en liaison avec les propriétés mécaniques, thermiques, électri
MSE-422: Advanced metallurgyThis course covers the metallurgy, processing and properties of modern high-performance metals and alloys (e.g. advanced steels, Ni-base, Ti-base, High Entropy Alloys etc.). In addition, the principle
MICRO-435: Quantum and nanocomputingThe course teaches non von-Neumann architectures. The first part of the course deals with quantum computing, sensing, and communications. The second focuses on field-coupled and conduction-based nanoc
CH-160(b): General chemistryCet enseignement vise l'acquisition des notions essentielles relatives à la structure de la matière, aux équilibres et à la réactivité chimiques. Le cours et les exercices fournissent la méthodologie
MSE-238: Structure of materialsIntroduction to materials structure including crystallography, the structure of amorphous materials such as glasses, polymers and biomaterials as well as the basics of characterization techniques.
MGT-468: Leading and managing in a global contextThis course examines management and leadership concepts and provides tools to apply when working in global business contexts. Participants will explore and develop their authenticity and how to apply
ChE-403: Heterogeneous reaction engineeringThe theoretical background and practical aspects of heterogeneous reactions including the basic knowledge of heterogeneous catalysis are introduced. The fundamentals are given to allow the design of m