MGT-400: Corporate strategyWhy are some firms more successful than others? This is the fundamental question of strategy. The course aims to familiarize the student with the most important themes relevant for corporate strategy.
PHYS-512: Statistical physics of computationThe students understand tools from the statistical physics of disordered systems, and apply them to study computational and statistical problems in graph theory, discrete optimisation, inference and m
MATH-261: Discrete optimizationThis course is an introduction to linear and discrete optimization.
Warning: This is a mathematics course! While much of the course will be algorithmic in nature, you will still need to be able to p
MATH-642: Artificial LifeWe will give an overview of the field of Artificial Life (Alife). We study questions such as emergence of complexity, self-reproduction, evolution, both through concrete models and through mathematica
MATH-611: Scientific programming for EngineersThe students will acquire a solid knowledge on the processes necessary to design, write and use scientific software. Software design techniques will be used to program a multi-usage particles code, ai
CH-634: Chemical Probes for Imaging in BiologyThe goal of this course is to provide an overview on recent developments in the design and synthesis of fluorescent and bioluminescent probes for applications in basic research and medicine. Through t