Yves LeterrierYves Leterrier joined EPFL in 1993 and is a faculty member of the Materials Institute. He is a senior scientist and lecturer in the Laboratory for Processing of Advanced Composites (LPAC, previously Laboratory of Composite and Polymer Technology, LTC). Activities
2000-2005: Foundation and Chair of the Korea-Switzerland joint symposia on materials and micro-technologies2004-2008: Board member of FLEXIDIS (the European flexible display consortium) 2004-2009: Group leader on lightweight materials for Solar ImpulseSince 2008: Board member of the French Adhesion SocietySince 2000: President of the EPFL Materials Science Library commissionSince 2012: Editorial board member, Applied Surface ScienceSince 2014: Associate Editor, Frontiers in MaterialsSince 2021: Coordinator of the EPFL Minor on 'Engineering for Sustainability'
1987: MS in materials science and solid state physics (INPL, France) 1991: PhD in materials science (Ecole des Mines, INPL, France) 1992: Research Associate, National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST, USA)
Paul Joseph DysonPaul Dyson joined the Institute of Chemical Sciences and Engineering at the EPFL in 2002 where he heads the Laboratory of Organometallic and Medicinal Chemistry and between 2008 and 2016 chaired the Institute. He has won several prizes including the Werner Prize of the Swiss Chemical Society in 2004, the Award for Outstanding Achievements in Bioorganometallic Chemistry in 2010, the Centennial Luigi Sacconi Medal of the Italian Chemical Society in 2011, the Bioinorganic Chemistry Award of the Royal Society of Chemistry in 2015, the European Sustainable Chemistry Award of the European Chemical Society in 2018 and the Green Chemistry Award from the Royal Society of Chemistry in 2020. He is also a Clarivate Highly Cited Researcher and has an H-index >110 (web of science and google scholar). He was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry in 2010, a Fellow of the European Academy of Science in 2019 and a life-long fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science in 2020. Over the years he has held visiting professorships at the University of Bourgogne, University of Pierre et Marie Curie, University of Vienna, University of Rome Tor Vergara, Chimie Paristech and Shangai Jiao Tong University.Since 2016 he has been Member of the Council of the Division of Mathematics, Natural and Engineering Sciences at the Swiss National Science Foundation.Between 2016-2021 he has been Member of the Council of the Division of Mathematics, Natural and Engineering Sciences at the Swiss National Science Foundation. In 2021 he was appointed Dean of the Faculty of Basic Sciences.
Jeremy Luterbacher
- Masters degree in Chemical Engineering obtained in 2007 at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Lausanne (EPFL) (enrolled fall 2005, currently in 3rd semester). Relevant courses: Advanced Separation Processes, Advanced Chemical Reaction Engineering, Process Development and Polymer Chemistry and Macromolecular Engineering. - Bachelors degree in Chemistry and Chemical Engineering obtained in 2005 at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Lausanne (EPFL). Relevant courses: Transport phenomena, Separation processes, Process command, Applied Energetics, Chemical Reaction Engineering, Chemical Kinetics, Quantum chemistry and Thermodynamics. - High school Maturity completed at the Nyon High School, 2002 (major subjects: biology-chemistry, advanced math, and Latin). Maturity essay completed 12-2001 with distinction - Secondary School certificate obtained in 1999 at the Gland secondary School, Latin-Greek section
Christophe BallifChristophe Ballif is director of the Phototovoltaics and Thin Film Electronics Laboratoryb) (PV-Lab at the institute of microengineering (IMT) in Neuchâtel (part of the EPFL since 2009). The lab focus is on the science and technology of high efficiency heterojunction crystalline cells,so-called passivating contacts for solar cells, multi-junction solar cells include novel generation Perovskite on innovative optical high speed detector and on various macroelectronics application. It also deals with energy management with a focus on integration of solar electricity into the energy system. The PV-Lab has strongly contributed to technology transfer and industrialization of novel devices and full technology with numerous companies. Christophe Ballif graduated as a physicist from the EPFL in 1994, where he also obtained in 1998 his Phd degree working on novel PV materials. He accomplished his postdoctoral research at NREL (Golden, US) on compound semiconductor solar cells (CIGS and CdTe). He worked then at the Fraunhofer ISE (Ge) on crystalline silicon photovoltaics (monocrystalline and multi-crystalline) until 2003 and then at the EMPA in Thun (CH) before becoming full professor at the University of Neuchâtel IMT in 2004, taking over the chair of Prof. A. Shah. Since 2013, C.Ballif is also the director of the new CSEM PV-Center, also located in Neuchâtel. The CSEM PV-Center is focussing more on industrialisation and technology transfer in the field of solar energy, including solar electricity management and storage. At the core of the CSEM PV-center activities lies several "pilot lines" for various kinds of solar cells manufacturing, with a focus coating technologies, wet chemistry processes for crystalline silicon, metalisation techniques for solar cells, and a platform for developing "ideal packaging solutions and polymers" for PV modules. In addition, joined facitilites between CSEM and EPFL of over 800 m2 are available for modules manufacturing, measuring and accelerated aging. CSEM PV-center has also full team dedicated to storage and energy systems and operates a joined center with BFH in Biel for research on electrochemical storage. He (co-) authored over 500 journal and technical papers, as well as several patents. He is an elected member of the SATW, member of the scientific council of the Swiss AEE, and member of the board of the EPFL Energy center. In 2016, he recieved the Becquerel prize for his contributions to the field of high efficiency photovoltaics.
Hubert GiraultEducation: 1979 - Engineering diploma from Grenoble Institute of Technology. FRANCE. 1982 - PhD- Department of Chemistry, University of Southampton. Thesis entitled : Interfacial studies using drop image processing techniques. Positions : 1982 - 1984 SERC Research Fellow. University of Southampton. 1984 - 1985 CNRS Research Fellow. University of Southampton. 1985 - 1992 Lecturer in Physical Chemistry, University of Edinburgh. 1992 - Professor of Physical Chemistry, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne. 2011 - 2014 Dean of Bachelor and Master studies Hubert Girault is the author of 2 textbooks, the co-author of about 600 scientific publications with more than 20'000 citations and the co-inventor of more than 15 patents. During his academic career, he has supervised 70 PhD students. 30 alumni of his laboratory are now Professors. Honours: Faraday medal 2006, Royal Society of Chemistry, Fellow of the International Society of Electrochemistry 2007, Reilley Award 2015. Fellow of the Electrochemical Society (USA), Shikata International medal, Polarography Society of Japan. Associate editor of Chemical Science
John Christopher PlummerÉCOLE POLYTECHNIQUE FÉDÉRALE DE LAUSANNE (EPFL), Lausanne, Switzerland 1989-
Collaborateur Scientifique/Chargé de Cours (Lecturer) (1998-)
Privat Docent (1998)
Laboratoire de Technologie des Composites et Polymères (LTC) (2000-)
Laboratoire de Polymères (LP) (1998-2000)
Visiting Scientist, Department of Materials Science and Engineering (DMSE)
UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE, Cambridge, UK 1986-1989
Research Assistant, Physics and Chemistry of Solids Group (PCS), Department of Physics
UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE, Cambridge, UK, Department of Materials 1986
PhD, "Flux Pinning in Type-II Superconductors"
BA/MA Honours Degree in Natural Sciences
Prix R&R Haenny, 2007, DuPont Research Award, 2003, Commendation, British Polymer Group, Reading 1989
Ramier J, Da Costa N, Plummer CJG, Leterrier Y, Manson JAE, Eckert R, Gaudiana R, Cohesion and adhesion of nanoporous TiO2 coatings on titanium wires for photovoltaic applications, Thin solid films, 516, 1913 (2008).
Ramier J, Plummer CJG, Leterrier Y, Manson JAE, Eckert B, Gaudiana R, Mechanical integrity of dye-sensitized photovoltaic fibers, Renewable energy, 33, 314 (2008).
- Houphouet-Boigny C, Plummer CJG, Wakeman MD, Manson JAE, Hybrid glass fiber-reinforced thermoplastic nanocomposites, J. Thermoplast. Comp. Mater., 21, 103 (2008).
Ternat C, Ouali L, Sommer H, Fieber W, Velazco MI, Plummer CJG, Kreutzer G, Klok HA, Manson JAE, Herrmann, Investigation of the Release of Bioactive Volatiles from Amphiphilic Multiarm Star-Block Copolymers by Thermogravimetry and Dynamic Headspace Analysis, Macromolecules 41(19), 7079 (2008).
Ruggerone, R., Plummer, C.J.G., Negrete Herrera, N., Bourgeat-Lami, E., Månson, J-EA, Mechanical properties of highly filled latex-based polystyrene/laponite nanocomposites, Solid State Phenomena Vol. 151, 30 (2009).
Plummer, CJG, Dalle Vacche, S, Houphouët-Boigny, C, Michaud, V, Månson, JAE, Hybrid Glass Mat Reinforced Polypropylene-Montmorillonite Nanocomposites, Solid State Phenomena Vol. 151, 60 (2009).
Ruggerone, R., Plummer, C.J.G., Negrete Herrera, N., Bourgeat-Lami, E., Månson, J-EA, Highly filled polystyrenelaponite nanocomposites prepared by emulsion polymerization, European Polm. J. 45, 621 (2009).
Ruggerone, R., Plummer, C.J.G., Negrete Herrera, N., Bourgeat-Lami, E., Månson, J-EA, Fracture mechanisms in polystyrene/laponite nanocomposites prepared by emulsion polymerization, Engineering Fracture Mechanics 76, 2846 (2009)
Clausen P., Andreoni W., Curioni A., Hughs E., Plummer C.J.G. Adsorption of low-molecular-weight molecules on the surface of a sodium smectite clay: an ab initio study, Journal of Physical Chemistry C 113, 12293 (2009).
Clausen P., Andreoni W., Curioni A., Hughs E., Plummer C.J.G., Water adsorption on a sodium smectite clay surface: an ab initio study, Journal of Physical Chemistry C 113, 15218 (2009).
Molberg, M, Leterrier, Y., Plummer, C.J.G., Walder, C., Löwe, C., Opris, D.M., Nüesch, F.A., Bauer, S., Månson, J.-A.E., Frequency dependent dielectric and mechanical behaviour of elastomers for actuator applications, J. Appl. Phys. 106, 054112 (2009)
Clausen P., Signorelli M., Schreiber A., Hughes E., Plummer CJG, Fessas D., Schiraldi A., Månson E. J.-A., Equilibrium desorption isotherms of water, ethanol, ethyl acetate and toluene on a sodium smectite clay, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry 98, 833 (2009)
Micusik, M., Bonnefond, A., Reyes, Y., Bogner, A., Chazeau, L., Plummer, C.J.G., Paulis, M., Leiza, J.R., Morphology of Polymer/Clay Latex Particles Synthesized by Miniemulsion Polymerization: Modeling and Experimental Results Macromol. React. Eng. 2010, 4, 432 (2010).
Houphouet-Boigny C., Plummer CJG, Vacche SD, Michaud V, Wakeman MD, Månson E. J.-A., Hybrid Glass Mat-reinforced Polypropylene-Montmorillonite Nanocomposites, J. Comp. Mater. 44, 1975 (2010).
Delabarde, C., Plummer C.J.G., Bourban, P.-E., Månson E. J.-A., Solidification behavior of PLLA/nHA nanocomposites, Comp. Sci. & Tech. 70, 1813 (2010).
Plummer C.J.G., Ruggerone R., Negrete-Herrera N., Bourgeat-Lami E., Månson J.-A.E., Small Strain Mechanical Properties of Latex-Based Nanocomposite Films, Macromol. Symp. 294, 1 (2010).
Dalle Vacche, S., Plummer C.J.G., Houphouet-Boigny C., Månson E. J.-A., Morphology and mechanical properties of isotactic polypropylene glass mat thermoplastic composites modified with organophilic montmorillonite, J Mater Sci 46, 2112 (2011).