Longwave (LW) radiation, in the context of climate science, is electromagnetic thermal radiation emitted by Earth's surface, atmosphere, and clouds. Longwave radiation may also be referred to as terrestrial radiation, thermal infrared radiation, or thermal radiation. This radiation is in the infrared portion of the spectrum, but is distinct from (i.e., has a longer wavelength than) the shortwave (SW) near-infrared radiation found in sunlight. Outgoing longwave radiation (OLR) is the longwave radiation emitted to space from the top of Earth's atmosphere. It may also be referred to as emitted terrestrial radiation. Outgoing longwave radiation plays an important role in planetary cooling. Longwave radiation generally spans wavelengths ranging from 3–100 microns (μm). A cutoff of 4 μm is sometimes used to differentiate sunlight from longwave radiation. Less than 1% of sunlight has wavelengths greater than 4 μm. Over 99% of outgoing longwave radiation has wavelengths between 4 μm and 100 μm. The flux of energy transported by outgoing longwave radiation is typically measured in units of watts per meter squared (W m−2). In the case of global energy flux, the W/m2 value is obtained by dividing the total energy flow over the surface of the globe (measured in watts) by the surface area of the Earth, . Emitting outgoing longwave radiation is the only way Earth loses energy to space, i.e., the only way the planet cools itself. Radiative heating from absorbed sunlight, and radiative cooling to space via OLR power the heat engine that drives atmospheric dynamics. The balance between OLR (energy lost) and incoming solar shortwave radiation (energy gained) determines whether the Earth is experiencing global heating or cooling (see Earth's energy budget). Outgoing longwave radiation (OLR) constitutes a critical component of Earth's energy budget. The principle of conservation of energy says that energy cannot appear or disappear. Thus, any energy that enters a system but does not leave must be retained within the system.
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Dolaana Khovalyg, Arnab Chatterjee, Mohamad Rida
Gabriele Manoli, Matthias Roth