HUM-123(a): Global issues: energy ALe cours offre une vision d'ensemble des questions liées à l'énergie: concepts de bases, besoins et ressources, ainsi que les implications pour la société et la politique. L'approche interdisciplinair
ChE-304: Energy systems engineeringThis course will provide a toolkit to students to understand and analyze sustainable energy systems. In addition, the main sustainable energy technologies will be introduced and their governing princi
ENG-410: Energy supply, economics and transitionThis course examines energy systems from various angles: available resources, how they can be combined or substituted, their private and social costs, whether they can meet the energy demand, and how
HUM-123(b): Global issues: energy BLe cours abordera les grandes problématiques technologiques et socio-économiques liées à la transition énergétique, ainsi que les perspectives et barrières à l'établissement d'un système énergétique d
AR-241: Building technology IIICe cours traite des divers domaines techniques intervenant dans la conception et la réalisation d'un bâtiment, soit : physique du bâtiment, structures, matériaux, construction et installations techniq
ENV-471: Environmental economicsIntroduction to economic analysis applied to environmental issues: all the necessary basic concepts, including cost-benefit analysis, for environmental policy making and its instruments (examples: cli
AR-301(af): Studio BA5 (Tsuneyama)Urban Wild Ecology / Production and Decomposition Urbanism / FOOD studio examines urban collective housing integrating a self-sustaining cycle of food, from production to disposal. A highly contextual
AR-401(af): Studio MA1 (Tsuneyama)Urban Wild Ecology / Production and Decomposition Urbanism / FOOD studio examines urban collective housing integrating a self-sustaining cycle of food, from production to disposal. A highly contextual
AR-302(af): Studio BA6 (Tsuneyama)Urban Wild Ecology / Production and Decomposition Urbanism / SOIL studio focuses on earth-conscious construction methods and materials that return to the soil. A radical vision will be sought to incor
AR-402(af): Studio MA2 (Tsuneyama)Urban Wild Ecology / Production and Decomposition Urbanism / SOIL studio focuses on earth-conscious construction methods and materials that return to the soil. A radical vision will be sought to incor