EE-567: Semiconductor devices IIStudents will learn about understanding the fundamentals and applications of emerging nanoscale devices, materials
and concepts. Remark: at least 5 students should be enrolled for the course to be giv
EE-627: Advanced lll-Nitride Semiconductor DevicesThis course covers advanced topics on compound semiconductors (lll-Nitrides) and their heterostructures, from both physics and
engineering perspectives, to explain the principles of some of the widesp
MICRO-516: NanophotonicsStudents understand and apply the physics of the interaction of light with semiconductors. They understand the operating mechanism of scaled photonic devices such as photodetectors, LEDs and lasers, a
MSE-486: Organic electronic materialsThis course will introduce students to the field of organic electronic materials. The goal of this course is to discuss the origin of electronic properties in organic materials, charge transport mecha