A graticule (), on a map, is a graphical depiction of a coordinate system as a grid of lines, each line representing a constant coordinate value. It is thus a form of isoline, and is commonly found on maps of many kinds at scales from the local to global. The term is almost always used to specifically refer to the parallels and meridians of latitude and longitude respectively in the geographic coordinate system. Grid lines for other coordinate reference systems, such as Universal Transverse Mercator, are commonly placed on maps for the same purposes, with similar meaning, and using similar design, but they are rarely called graticules. Some cartographers have used the term graticule to refer not only to the visual lines, but to the system of latitude and longitude reference itself; however, in the era of Geographic information systems, this is far less common than calling it the Geographic coordinate system. The graticule is of ancient origin, being almost as old as the concept of the spherical earth, coordinate system for measuring geographic locations, and the map projection. Strabo, in his Geography (ca 20AD), states that the maps in Eratosthenes's Geography Book 3 (3rd Century BC, now lost) contained lines "drawn from west to east, parallel to the equatorial line" (thus the term parallel) Ptolemy's Geography (ca 150 AD) gives detailed instructions for drawing the parallels and meridians for his two projections. The works of Ptolemy and other classical geographers were available to the scientists of medieval Islam. Some, such as al-Khwarizmi, further developed these works, including creating maps on a graticule of latitude and longitude. During the European middle ages, graticules disappeared from the few maps that were produced; T and O maps in particular were more concerned with religious cosmology than accurate representation of location. The portolan charts of the 13th to 15th centuries were much more accurate, but used rhumb lines that were much more useful for sea navigation than latitude and longitude.
Emeric Rolland Georges Thibaud