A noxious weed, harmful weed or injurious weed is a weed that has been designated by an agricultural or other governing authority as a plant that is injurious to agricultural or horticultural crops, natural habitats or ecosystems, or humans or livestock. Most noxious weeds have been introduced into an ecosystem by ignorance, mismanagement, or accident. Some noxious weeds are native. Typically they are plants that grow aggressively, multiply quickly without natural controls (native herbivores, soil chemistry, etc.), and display adverse effects through contact or ingestion. Noxious weeds are a large problem in many parts of the world, greatly affecting areas of agriculture, forest management, nature reserves, parks and other open space. Many noxious weeds have come to new regions and countries through contaminated shipments of feed and crop seeds or were intentionally introduced as ornamental plants for horticultural use. Some "noxious weeds", such as ragwort, produce copious amounts of nectar, valuable for the survival of bees and other pollinators, or other advantages like larval host foods and habitats. In the USA, wild parsnip Pastinaca sativa, for instance, provides large tubular stems that some bee species hibernate in, larval food for two different swallowtail butterflies, and other beneficial qualities. Some noxious weeds are harmful or poisonous to humans, domesticated grazing animals, and wildlife. Open fields and grazing pastures with disturbed soils and open sunlight are often more susceptible. Protecting grazing animals from toxic weeds in their primary feeding areas is therefore important. Weed control Some guidelines to prevent the spread of noxious weeds are: Avoid driving through noxious weed-infested areas. Avoid transporting or planting seeds and plants that one cannot identify. For noxious weeds in flower or with seeds on plants, pulling 'gently' out and placing in a secure closable bag is recommended. Disposal such as hot composting or contained burning is done when safe and practical for the specific plant.
Alexandre Buttler, Vincent Eric Jules Jassey, Bjorn Jozef Maria Robroek, Robert Thomas Edmund Mills, Muhammad Saleem Arif, Justine Marie Gay des Combes, Leia Soraya Véronique Falquet, Clara Sanz Carrillo
Alexandre Buttler, Bjorn Jozef Maria Robroek, Robert Thomas Edmund Mills, Thomas Guillaume, Justine Marie Gay des Combes