

Starscream is a fictional character in the Transformers media franchise. He is one of the most frequently occurring characters in the franchise, appearing in almost all of its different continuities. Starscream is generally depicted as the second-in-command of the Decepticon leader Megatron who transforms into a jet fighter and leads the Seekers, a group of Decepticons who share his body type. Across most continuities, Starscream's defining trait is his desire to overthrow Megatron and assume command of the Decepticons. This is usually out of greed and selfishness, though in some continuities, Starscream has been shown to genuinely care about the Decepticon cause and wish to bring it back on the right path, perceiving Megatron as a corrupt leader who led the Decepticons astray. Alternatively, other incarnations of Starscream have been portrayed as unquestionably loyal to Megatron or as an antihero who has tried (and sometimes even succeeded) to make peace with the Decepticons' arch-enemies, the Autobots. The original suggestion for the character's name was Ulchtar, which was a completely made-up name with no meaning. Bob Budiansky convinced Hasbro to name the character as Starscream instead. Starscream has the ambition to overthrow Megatron as the Decepticons' leader. He has gained the control he craves on several occasions, but he eventually suffers defeat. Starscream is ruthless, cruel, bloodthirsty, and more intelligent than the average Decepticon, but also, unlikely to act directly on these aspirations without first securing conditions favorable to his ascension. He considers himself vastly superior to other Decepticons and finds Megatron contemptible for his antiquated military strategies and tactics. Starscream believes the Decepticons should employ guile and speed more readily than brute force to defeat the Autobots. However, given the chance to lead, he is often less successful in this than Megatron. While Megatron frequently overlooks him as a threat, authors suggest such reasons for Megatron's tolerance of Starscream's presence as a grudging respect for his scheming nature and precautionary observation.
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