MSE-422: Advanced metallurgyThis course covers the metallurgy, processing and properties of modern high-performance metals and alloys (e.g. advanced steels, Ni-base, Ti-base, High Entropy Alloys etc.). In addition, the principle
CH-250: Mathematical methods in chemistryThis course consists of two parts. The first part covers basic concepts of molecular symmetry and the application of group theory to describe it. The second part introduces Laplace transforms and Four
CH-110: Advanced general chemistry ILe cours comporte deux parties. Les bases de la thermodynamique des équilibres et de la cinétique des réactions sont introduites dans l'une d'elles. Les premières notions de chimie quantique sur les é
BIO-110: Bio-organic chemistryThe aim of the course is to provide a chemical understanding and intuition to decipher and predict chemical processes in living systems.
MSE-486: Organic electronic materialsThis course will introduce students to the field of organic electronic materials. The goal of this course is to discuss the origin of electronic properties in organic materials, charge transport mecha
CS-119(c): Information, Computation, CommunicationL'objectif de ce cours est d'introduire les étudiants à la pensée algorithmique, de les familiariser avec les fondamentaux de l'Informatique et de développer une première compétence en programmation (
CH-223: Organometallic chemistryBasic organometallic chemistry will be covered in this course.
- Structure and bonding in organometallic compounds.
- reactivity of organometallic compounds, stoichiometric reactions, catalyzed rea