Rita Bütler SauvainFunctions
Since 2005: Scientific collaborator,
WSL (Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research)
19972005: Scientific collaborator, EPFL (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Lausanne), Laboratory of Ecosystem Management
1996: Biologist,
SFFN (Service des forêts, de la faune et de la nature du canton de Vaud)
, Lausanne
1991-1992: Lecturer and project leader,
VŜST Technical University
, Liberec, Czechia
1989-1991: Teacher for natural sciences,
KKSS (Kath. Kantonssekundarschule)
KSBG (Kantonsschule am Burggraben)
, St. Gallen and
NTB (Interstaatliche Hochschule für Technik)
, Buchs
2003: Ph.D. degree EPFL,
Dead wood in managed forests: how much and how much is enough? Development of a snag-quantification method by remote sensing and GIS and snag targets based on Three-toed woodpeckers' habitat requirements.
Hintermann&Weber research award
1995: Master degree in Environmental Sciences, EPFL
1989: Diploma for teaching of natural sciences - mathematics,
PHSG (Pädagogische Hochschule)
, St. Gallen
1984: Baccalaureate Latin, St. Gallen. Award for best matura.
Alexandre ButtlerI am a honorary professor at Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale, Lausanne - EPFL. Up to 2019, I was a joint-professor between EPFL (Head of the laboratory of Ecological Systems - ECOS) and the Swiss Federal Research Institute WSL for Forest, Snow and Landscape (Head of the research group Pasture Woodlands and Wetlands) and head of the Site WSL-Lausanne. I was also professor at the laboratory of Chrono-Environnement (UMR CNRS 6249) of the University of Franche-Comté, Besançon (France). I am author or co-author of over 160 papers in international ISI cited peer-reviewed journals.
Claudia Rebeca Binder SignerClaudia R. Binder, a Swiss, Canadian and Colombian citizen, was born in Montreal and spent most of her childhood in Switzerland and Colombia. She studied at ETH Zurich from 1985 to 1996, earning a degree in biochemistry and then a PhD in environmental sciences. After conducting her post-doctoral research at the University of Maryland in the US from 1996 to 1998, she returned to Switzerland and took a position as a senior research scientist at ETH Zurich, studying the interaction between human and environmental systems at the Institute for Natural and Social Science Interface. In 2006, Binder joined the University of Zurich as an assistant professor in the Department of Geography, and in 2009 moved to the University of Graz in Austria where she served as a full professor of systems science. In 2011, she took a position at the University of Munich’s Department of Geography as a full professor of human-environment relations.
Binder joined EPFL in March 2016 and set up the Laboratory for Human-Environment Relations in Urban Systems (HERUS) at ENAC; she also holds the La Mobilière Chair on Urban Ecology and Sustainable Living.
Her research involves analyzing, modelling and assessing the transition of urban systems towards sustainability. She looks in particular at how we can better understand the dynamics of urban metabolism, what characterizes a sustainable city, and what drives and hinders transformation processes. She does so by combining knowledge from social, natural and data science. Her research focuses on food, energy, and sustainable living and transport in urban systems.
In Switzerland, Binder was appointed to the Research Council, Programs Division of the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) in 2016 and serves on the Steering Committee of the SNSF’s National Research Program 71, “Managing Energy Consumption” and the Swiss Competence Centers for Energy Research (SCCER). She is also a member of the Steering Board on Sustainability Research for the Swiss Academies of Arts and Sciences. In 2019, she was elected as a member of the University Council of the University of Munich (LMU).
At EPFL, Binder is the academic director of Design Together, a cross-disciplinary teaching initiative. She was appointed to the management team of the Energy Center in 2018 and as head of the working group on EPFL’s energy and sustainability strategy in 2019.
Edgard Gnansounou
1983 Ing. Civil EPFL
1991 Dr ès Sciences techniques, EPFL
Directeur du Laboratoire de systèmes énergétiques (LASEN) de 2003 à 2008
Dès 2008, Responsable du groupe de Recherche en Bioénergie et Planification énergétique
Co-fondateur du bureau d'étude ENERS Energy Concept
Président de la Fondation SUD (Solidarités Universitaires pour le Développement)
Je suis membre de différentes associations professionnelles parmi lesquelles figuent le Conseil Mondial de l'énergie (CME) et l'Association internationale pour l'économie de l'énergie (AIEE). Comme membre du groupe d'étude du CME sur les vulnérabilités, j'ai développé les métriques utilisées pour évaluer la vulnérabilité énergétique des pays industrialisés.
Depuis janvier 2008 : membre du Comité d'édition du journal international Bioresource Technology.
Depuis 2009: membre du Comité de la "European Biofuels Technology Platform" Devis TuiaI come from Ticino and studied in Lausanne, between UNIL and EPFL. After my PhD at UNIL in remote sensing, I was postdoc in Valencia (Spain), Boulder (CO) and EPFL, working on model adaptation and prior knowledge integration in machine learning. In 2014 I became Research Assistant Professor at University of Zurich, where I started the 'multimodal remote sensing' group. In 2017, I joined Wageningen University (NL), where I was professor of the GeoInformation Science and Remote Sensing Laboratory. Since 2020, I joined EPFL Valais, to start the ECEO lab, working at the interface between Earth observation, machine learning and environmental sciences.
Rodolphe SchlaepferExamples of international experience:
Research project in Indonesia (Impact of forest exploitation on the ecological quality of rivers)
Research project in Columbia (Impacts of petroleum exploitation on rivers and landscapes)
Teaching at the University of Antananarivo (Sustainable management of natiral resources)
Other countries: Canada, Sweden, Burkina Faso, Ghana, Switzerland, France, UK
Scientific education:
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zürich (Forestry),
University Laval Quebec (Forest inventory and Statistics),
University of Edinburgh (Statistics, Biometry),
Oregon State University (Landscape ecology, Forest ecology).
Professional career:
Statstician at Ciba-Geigy Basel(1969-1975),
Professor for Statistics and Physics at the Swiss Engineering School for Agriculture Zollikofen (1975-1982),
Professor for Forest Management and Forest Biometry at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zürich (1982-1987),
Director general of the Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research in Birmensorf and Professor for Forest Sciences at the Swiss Federal Institute for Technology in Zürich (1987-1996),
Professor for Ecosystem Management at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technolgy Lausanne (1997-2005)
From 2005: Honory Professsor at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne
David Andrew BarryResearch InterestsSubsurface hydrology, constructed wetlands, ecological engineering, in particular contaminant transport and remediation of soil and groundwater; more generally, models of hydrological and vadose zone processes; application of mathematical methods to hydrological processes; coastal zone sediment transport, aquifer-coastal ocean interactions; hydrodynamics and modelling of lakes.