

Šoporňa (Sopornya) is a village and municipality in Galanta District of the Trnava Region of south-west Slovakia. In historical records the village was first mentioned in 1251, when it was called Supurni. The name is recorded as Soporny in 1411 and as Sopornok in 1420. The town became an autonomous settlement during the seventeenth century with local administrative work having its own seal. By the end of eighteenth century, it was a town with 295 houses and almost 2,000 inhabitants. The municipality lies at an elevation of 129 metres and covers an area of 31.394 km2. It has a population of around 4,200 people. Šaľská Sereďská Nitrianska Československej armády Jana Amosa Komenského Argentínska Družstevná Nábrežná Novozámocká Slnečná Fučíkova Mlynská Lesná Vážska Poštová Červenej armády Mládežnícka Dukelská Krásna Kapitána Nálepku Gottwaldova Mierová Fazuľová Vladimíra Iľjiča Lenina Nešporova Kollárova Krátka Budovateľská Gagarinova Stromová The chapel of St. Anna is an architectural monument in Soporna. The chapel was built in 1750. Reconstruction of the building has occurred to keep it in good condition.
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