MATH-512: Optimization on manifoldsWe develop, analyze and implement numerical algorithms to solve optimization problems of the form min f(x) where x is a point on a smooth manifold. To this end, we first study differential and Riemann
MATH-203(c): Analysis IIILe cours étudie les concepts fondamentaux de l'analyse vectorielle et l'analyse de Fourier en vue de leur utilisation pour
résoudre des problèmes pluridisciplinaires d'ingénierie scientifique.
COM-406: Foundations of Data ScienceWe discuss a set of topics that are important for the understanding of modern data science but that are typically not taught in an introductory ML course. In particular we discuss fundamental ideas an
MGT-418: Convex optimizationThis course introduces the theory and application of modern convex optimization from an engineering perspective.
ME-104: Introduction to structural mechanicsThe student will acquire the basis for the analysis of static structures and deformation of simple structural elements. The focus is given to problem-solving skills in the context of engineering desig
ME-427: Networked control systemsThis course offers an introduction to control systems using communication networks for interfacing sensors, actuators, controllers, and processes. Challenges due to network non-idealities and opportun
MATH-329: Continuous optimizationThis course introduces students to continuous, nonlinear optimization. We study the theory of optimization with continuous variables (with full proofs), and we analyze and implement important algorith