
Ja'far ibn Abi Talib

Jaʿfar ibn Abī Ṭālib (جَعْفَر ٱبْن أَبِي طَالِب 590 - September 629), also known as Jaʿfar aṭ-Ṭayyār (جَعْفَر ٱلطَّيَّار) was a companion and cousin of the Islamic prophet Muhammad, and an elder brother of Ali. Ja'far was the third son of Abu Talib ibn Abd al-Muttalib and Fatimah bint Asad, hence a paternal cousin of Muhammad. His older brothers were Talib and Aqil, his younger brothers were Ali and Tulayq, and his sisters were Fakhitah, Jumanah and Raytah. As per Arabic tradition, his brother 'Abbas had the privilege of raising Ja'far. Ja'far was an early convert to Islam. He married Asma bint Umais, who converted to Islam in 614–615. When the Muslims were harassed in Mecca, several of them migrated to Abyssinia. Ja'far joined the second flight in 616. There they obtained the protection of the Negus (An-Najashi), and could worship Allah unhindered. Ja'far and Asma lived in Abyssinia for about twelve years. Three sons were born to them there: Abd Allah, Muhammad, and Awn. The Quraysh, suspicious of their motives for leaving Arabia, sent Abdullah ibn Abi Rabiah and Amr ibn al-As to negotiate with the Negus to bring the emigrants back to Mecca. They gave presents of leather-goods to the Negus and his officials and gave him a bad report of the Muslims. The Negus replied that he had promised protection to the Muslims and therefore could not hand them over without hearing their side of the story. When the Muslims were called to answer to the Negus, Ja’far was their spokesman. The Negus asked them what was the religion for which they had forsaken their people, without entering into his religion or any other. Ja'far replied: "We were an uncivilised people. God sent us an apostle who commanded us to speak the truth, be faithful to our engagements, mindful of the ties of kinship and kindly hospitality, and to refrain from crimes and bloodshed. He forbade us to commit abominations and to speak lies, and to devour the property of orphans, to vilify chaste women.
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