
Christian Graf von Haugwitz

Christian August Heinrich Kurt Graf von Haugwitz (11 June 1752 – 1832) was a German statesman, best known for serving as Foreign Minister of Prussia during the Napoleonic Wars. Life Haugwitz was born at Peucke near Oels, a member of the Silesian (Protestant) branch of the ancient family of Haugwitz, of which the Catholic branch was established in Moravia. He studied law, spent some time in Italy, returned to settle on his estates in Silesia, and in 1791 was elected general director of the province by the Silesian estates. Upon the request of King Frederick William II of Prussia he entered the Prussian civil service and became ambassador at Vienna in 1792. At the end of the same year he became a member of the cabinet at Berlin. Policy before the rise of Napoleon Haugwitz, who had attended the young Emperor Francis II at his coronation and been present at the conferences held at Mainz to consider the attitude of the German powers towards the French Revolution, wa
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