This course addresses the relationship between specific technological features and the learners' cognitive processes. It also covers the methods and results of empirical studies: do student actually l
Le cours examine de manière ouverte les constructions de la Nature par diverses sciences et cultures. Il met l'accent sur la pluralité des modes d'apparition de la Nature et sur les rôles qui lui sont
This course will engage novel approaches for visualizing and interacting with cultural heritage archives in immersive virtual environments.
Basé sur des retours d'expérience de professionnels du BIM, ce cours d'introduction vous permettra d'acquérir une vision globale.
Introduction into the culture of Japan - its thought and way of life - designed to foster future study of the archipelago. We elucidate the specificities of a Japanese identity that is imbued with bot
The goal of VR is to embed the users in a potentially complex virtual environment while ensuring that they are able to react as if this environment were real. The course provides a human perception-ac
Artificial intelligence, big data, and advances in computing power have triggered a technological revolution that may have enormous bearing on the workplace and the labor market. This course provides
Nous proposons à une dizaine de personnalités de mettre en relation deux séquences spatiales issues de deux univers représentatifs l'architecture et le cinéma. Pour ce semestre "TEMPUS SESSORIUM" Le t
The course delves into how innovation in construction, seen as an engineering process, progresses through steps and stages. It focuses on three main areas: (1) introducing new materials, (2) integrati
This course explores visual strategies and techniques for creating apparent reality. The course concentrates on the field of 3D computer graphics and the production of still lifes as computer-generate