Condensins are large protein complexes that play a central role in chromosome assembly and segregation during mitosis and meiosis (Figure 1). Their subunits were originally identified as major components of mitotic chromosomes assembled in Xenopus egg extracts. Many eukaryotic cells possess two different types of condensin complexes, known as condensin I and condensin II, each of which is composed of five subunits (Figure 2). Condensins I and II share the same pair of core subunits, SMC2 and SMC4, both belonging to a large family of chromosomal ATPases, known as SMC proteins (SMC stands for Structural Maintenance of Chromosomes). Each of the complexes contains a distinct set of non-SMC regulatory subunits (a kleisin subunit and a pair of HEAT repeat subunits). Both complexes are large, having a total molecular mass of 650-700 kDa. The core subunits condensins (SMC2 and SMC4) are conserved among all eukaryotic species that have been studied to date. The non-SMC subunits unique to condensin I are also conserved among eukaryotes, but the occurrence of the non-SMC subunits unique to condensin II is highly variable among species. For instance, the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster does not have the gene for the CAP-G2 subunit of condensin II. Other insect species often lack the genes for the CAP-D3 and/or CAP-H subunits, too, indicating that the non-SMC subunits unique to condensin II have been under high selection pressure during insect evolution. The nematode Caenorhabditis elegans possesses both condensins I and II. This species is, however, unique in the sense that it has a third complex (closely related to condensin I) that participates in chromosome-wide gene regulation, i.e., dosage compensation. In this complex, known as condensin IDC, the authentic SMC4 subunit is replaced with its variant, DPY-27 (Figure 2). Some species, like fungi (e.g., the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae and the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe), lack all regulatory subunits unique to condensin II.
Denis Duboule, Lucille Delisle, Alexandre Gauthier Aurèle Mayran, Hocine Rekaik, Aurélie Hintermann, Célia Corinne Renée Bochaton