BIOENG-399: ImmunoengineeringImmunoengineering is an emerging field where engineering principles are grounded in immunology. This course provides students a broad overview of how engineering approaches can be utilized to study im
MSE-709: Powder Characterisation and DispersionIntroduction to some basic methods used for powder characterisation, particle size measurement and a brief introduction to powder dispersion and suspension characterisation. Discussion of the fundamen
MSE-425: Soft matterThe first part of the course is devoted to the self-assembly of molecules. In the second part we discuss basic physical chemical principles of polymers in solutions, at interfaces, and in bulk. Finall
EE-517: Bio-nano-chip designIntroduction to heterogeneous integration for Nano-Bio-CMOS sensors on Chip.
Understanding and designing of active Bio/CMOS interfaces powered by nanostructures.
MSE-471: Biomaterials (pour MX)The course introduces the main classes of biomaterials used in the biomedical field. The interactions with biological environment are discussed and challenges highlighted. State of the art examples pe
MICRO-530: NanotechnologyThis course gives the basics for understanding nanotechnology from an engineer's perspective: physical background, materials aspects and scaling laws, fabrication and imaging of nanoscale devices.
MICRO-505: Organic and printed electronicsThis course addresses the implementation of organic and printed electronics technologies using large area manufacturing techniques. It will provide knowledge on materials, printing techniques, devices