
Climbing specialist

A climbing specialist or climber, also known as a grimpeur, is a road bicycle racer who can ride especially well on highly inclined roads, such as those found among hills or mountains. In a sustained climb, the average speed declines, the aerodynamic advantage of drafting is diminished and the setting of the group pace becomes more important. A good climber modulates his speed and chooses the best line on a climb, allowing the following riders to have an easier job. If the group maintains a high tempo, it is more difficult for a rider to attack and ride away from the group. Another important role in climbing is that of attacker or counter-attacker. Climbing specialists use their superior abilities either to attack on climbs and thereby gap the competitors, knowing that only other climbing specialists will be able to stay with them, or simply to maintain a high pace that others cannot match. A successful escape can help the climber achieve a victory if the race has a mountain-top finish, or even in a flat finish if the climber is able to maintain his lead after the climb is over. Climbing stages, along with individual time trials, are key stages in winning long stage races. In recent years, climbing specialists have been deployed as Super-domestiques, protecting team leaders with All-round capabilities by setting a strong tempo in mountain stages to deter attacks from rivals, a tactic known as a 'train'. Examples of this include Team Sky climbers Wout Poels, Mikel Landa and Mikel Nieve helping Chris Froome in his multiple Grand Tour victories. Froome himself played a similar role in service of Bradley Wiggins at the 2012 Tour de France. Climbers tend to have a lot of endurance and specifically developed muscles for long hard climbs. They also tend to have a slim, lightweight physique, but some can become good climbers through concerted training. The most successful climbing specialists come in different shapes and specializations.
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