

Masyanya (Масяня) is a Russian adult animated web series and sitcom (later released on TV) created by Oleg Kuvaev with Macromedia Flash in 2001. Masyanya (Масяня Masânâ; real name Maria) - The title character and the eponymous heroine in her twenties who lives in an apartment in St. Petersburg. Masyanya has an oval-shaped head and always wears a miniskirt and a shirt with a bare midriff. Hryundel (Хрюндель Hrûndelʼ, a derivative from Russian verb meaning "to grunt"; real name Alexander) - Masyanya's rather dense, good-natured, overall-clad boyfriend. Lokhmaty (Лохматый Lohmatıĭ, Russian for "Shaggy"; real name Anton Lokhmatenko) - their friend, a pudgy and care-free drummer. Lokhmaty is later revealed to be of Ukrainian descent, his last name being Lokhmatenko. Fyodorovna (Фёдоровна Fëdorovna) - Masyanya's mother. Given name and occupation are unknown. She is divorced. Lyaska (Ляська Lâs'ka; real name Olga) - a girl from Moscow and Masyanya's friend. Sanyok (Санёк Sanëk, a derivative of the full name Alexander) - homeless in a green sweater, who lives in the basement of Masyanya's house Dyadya Badya (Дядя Бадя Dâdâ Badâ) - son of Masyanya and Hryundel. Chuchunya (Чучуня Čučunâ) - daughter of Masyanya and Hryundel. Grisha Chaynikov (Гриша Чайников Griša Čaĭnikov) - music producer. Kolobukhin - bass guitar player. Putin (Путин) - the president of Russia, often referred to as the czar. A typical Masyanya episode is only a few minutes long. Each .swf episode was typically 170-400KB in size (though sometimes up to 3MB), and consisted mainly of sarcastic (and frequently absurd) commentary on contemporary Russian life. Some of the most popular episodes include one in which Masyanya and Hryundel' snicker and later hysterically laugh while Hryundel' is recording a jingle on the radio; another involves a sexual encounter made impossible by the lack of "shtuchki" (thingies), while yet another involves the two main characters exchanging a series of increasingly awful gifts, including a horse-shaped piñata and a bag of green cats.
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