Globalization is the linguistic omnivore of our times. This course addresses the long history of worldwide encounters and goes behind the rosy vision of a global village. It gives particular attention
Le cours sensibilise les étudiant·e·s aux implications de l'émergence de la Chine comme puissance économique et technologique en portant une réflexion critique sur les défis posés par cette transition
Linear and nonlinear dynamical systems are found in all fields of science and engineering. After a short review of linear system theory, the class will explain and develop the main tools for the quali
Globalization is the linguistic omnivore of our times. This course addresses the long history of worldwide encounters and goes behind the rosy vision of a global village. It gives particular attention
Le but de cet enseignement est de revenir sur les conditions (historiques mais aussi épistémologiques) qui ont permis aux sciences de prendre de l'autonomie par rapport à la religion.
This course gives the framework and tools for understanding economic events, taking financial decisions and evaluating investment opportunities in a global economy. It builds up an integrated model of
This course proposes to investigate six strategies for architecture in the age of acceleration: Acceleration, Regionalism, Participation, Transformation, Commonality and Resilience. Anchoring these st
This studio explores construction materials, their origins and supply chains, the norms that regulate their use, and deploys that as a brief to explore how a post-extractive architecture could emerge
This studio explores construction materials, their origins and supply chains, the norms that regulate their use, and deploys that as a brief to explore how a post-extractive architecture could emerge
The course investigates the global history of architecture and town planning between the 16th and 19th centuries, its architects and buildings, and highlights the theoretical, artistic and technical i