BIO-109: Introduction to life sciences (for IC)Ce cours présente les principes fondamentaux à l'œuvre dans les organismes vivants. Autant que possible, l'accent est mis sur les contributions de l'Informatique aux progrès des Sciences de la Vie.
MSE-212: Biology for engineersThis course consists of an introduction to biology and more particularly to biology as a multidisciplinary field, emphasizing
natural examples of materials engineering. It should therefore allow engin
ENV-103: BiologyThis course will cover the fundamental principles governing life and the living world. Topics will include the diversity of living organisms, cellular biology, genetics, evolution, and ecology. This c
BIO-471: Cancer biology IThe course covers in detail molecular mechanisms of cancer development with emphasis on cell cycle control, genome stability, oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes.
BIOENG-455: Computational cell biologyComputer modelling is increasingly used to study dynamic phenomena in cell biology. This course shows how to identify common mathematical features in cell biological mechanisms, and become proficient
BIO-207: Cellular and molecular biology IIThis course is aimed to familiarize students with the 3D organization of a eukaryotic cell, its compartmentalization, how cellular compartments communicate together and how a cell communicates with it
PHYS-511: Electron spectroscopySeries of lectures covering the use of electron spectroscopy for the study of the electronic and atomic structure of surfaces, nanostructures, and quantum materials. Special attention is given to vari
BIOENG-517: Lab methods : proteomicsIntroduction to several mass spectrometry techniques and their application to the proteomics field. Description of bioinformatics tools used to analyze proteomics data. The goal of the course is to pr