A recording head is the physical interface between a recording apparatus and a moving recording medium. Recording heads are generally classified according to the physical principle that allows them to impress their data upon their medium. A recording head is often mechanically paired with a playback head, which, though proximal to, is often discrete from the record head.
The two most common forms of recording head are:
Magnetic - Magnetic recording heads use the principles of electromagnetism to coerce a paramagnetic recording medium, such as iron oxides, to orient in a readable manner such as magnetic tape. Record heads are constructed of laminated permalloy, ferrite, or sendust. As of 2006, this is the most dominant type of head in use.
Optical - Optical recording heads use the principles of optics and light to impart energy on a recording medium, which accepts the energy in a readable manner, e.g. by melting or photography.
Note that Magneto-optical recording, though using optics and heat, should properly be considered a magnetic process, since the data stored on magneto-optical media is stored magnetically.
Earlier systems, such as phonograph records, used mechanical heads known as styli to physically cut grooves in the recording medium, in a configuration (of size, width, depth and position) recoverable as sound.
Image:D6-VTR-Scanner.jpg | [[D6 HDTV VTR]] Scanner and video head, removed
Image:D6-VTR-Tape Deck-inside.jpg | Inside a D6 HDTV VTR Tape Deck, VTR Scanner and video head in place.
Image:Bcn-scanner-head.jpg|[[Type B videotape]] video Scanner Head
Image:BCN-20-VTR-CLOSEUP.jpg|Type B VTR, BCN 20 Tape Desk and video Scanner
Image:Ampex-quad-video-head.jpg|[[Quadruplex videotape]] Ampex AVR-2 Video Head
Image:Sony U-Matic VO-5850 Video head - slip-ring flying head pickup with dust cover.JPG | [[Sony]] U-Matic Video head
Image:Ampex recorder internals.jpg |[[Ampex]] audio recorder
Image:VHS diagram.svg | [[VHS]] heads
Image:NAGRA--TYPE3---PL-GR.jpg |[[Nagra]] audio heads: erase, record and play
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Cryo-electron microscopy structural analysis of proteins. The course aims at demonstrating the workflow from sample purification to determining the atomic structure of a soluble or membrane protein.
Sound recording and reproduction is the electrical, mechanical, electronic, or digital inscription and re-creation of sound waves, such as spoken voice, singing, instrumental music, or sound effects. The two main classes of sound recording technology are analog recording and digital recording. Sound recording is the transcription of invisible vibrations in air onto a storage medium such as a phonograph disc. The process is reversed in sound reproduction, and the variations stored on the medium are transformed back into sound waves.
Magnetic tape is a medium for magnetic storage made of a thin, magnetizable coating on a long, narrow strip of plastic film. It was developed in Germany in 1928, based on the earlier magnetic wire recording from Denmark. Devices that use magnetic tape could with relative ease record and playback audio, visual, and binary computer data. Magnetic tape revolutionized sound recording and reproduction and broadcasting. It allowed radio, which had always been broadcast live, to be recorded for later or repeated airing.
The Compact Cassette, also commonly called a cassette tape, audio cassette, or simply tape or cassette, is an analog magnetic tape recording format for audio recording and playback. Invented by Lou Ottens and his team at the Dutch company Philips in 1963, Compact Cassettes come in two forms, either containing content as a prerecorded cassette (Musicassette), or as a fully recordable "blank" cassette. Both forms have two sides and are reversible by the user.
Explores the evolution of magnetic storage techniques, from longitudinal to perpendicular recording, and heat-assisted magnetic recording, as well as magnetic-core memory principles and magnetoresistive RAM technology.
The storage density of shift-multiplexed holographic memory is calculated and compared with experimentally achieved densities by use of photorefractive and write-once materials. We consider holographic selectivity as well as the recording material's dynami ...
The diffraction efficiency of M holograms superimposed in the volume of the recording medium is proportional to 1/M-2, me present a method, based on nondestructive localized holograms in a doubly doped LiNbO3 crystal, that allows us to also record M hologr ...
The patch-clamp technique is today the most well-established method for recording electrical activity from individual neurons or their subcellular compartments. Nevertheless, achieving stable recordings, even from individual cells, remains a time-consuming ...