ENG-410: Energy supply, economics and transitionThis course examines energy systems from various angles: available resources, how they can be combined or substituted, their private and social costs, whether they can meet the energy demand, and how
ENV-471: Environmental economicsIntroduction to economic analysis applied to environmental issues: all the necessary basic concepts, including cost-benefit analysis, for environmental policy making and its instruments (examples: cli
ENV-367: Environmental and construction lawCe cours donne aux étudiant-e-s les connaissances de base nécessaires pour comprendre les dimensions juridiques de leur activité professionnelle concernant l'aménagement du territoire et la protection
AR-485: Political economy of designPolitical Economy of Design (PED) seeks to position and discuss architecture in relation to the world of production, economic interests and community benefits or decisions, at a local and global scale
HUM-471: Economic growth and sustainability IThis course examines growth from various angles: economic growth, growth in the use of resources, need for growth, limits to growth, sustainable growth, and, if time permits, population growth and gro
MATH-124: Geometry for architects ICe cours entend exposer les fondements de la géométrie à un triple titre :
1/ de technique mathématique essentielle au processus de conception du projet,
2/ d'objet privilégié des logiciels de concept
AR-101: Studio BA1Le cours vise à l'acquisition des outils essentiels au projet et à une compréhension de l'architecture comme savoir-faire, pensée, et attitude qui interroge l'inscription des êtres vivants dans leur e
CS-423: Distributed information systemsThis course introduces the foundations of information retrieval, data mining and knowledge bases, which constitute the foundations of today's Web-based distributed information systems.