CH-313: Chemical biologyClosely interfacing with bioengineering and medicine, this course provides foundational concepts in applying small-molecule chemical toolsets to probe the functions of living systems at the mechanisti
CH-411: Cellular signallingPresentation of selected signalling pathways with emphasis on both the mechanism of action of the molecules involved, molecular interactions and the role of their spatio-temporal organization within t
PHYS-100: Advanced physics I (mechanics)La Physique Générale I (avancée) couvre la mécanique du point et du solide indéformable. Apprendre la mécanique, c'est apprendre à mettre sous forme mathématique un phénomène physique, en modélisant l
CS-401: Applied data analysisThis course teaches the basic techniques, methodologies, and practical skills required to draw meaningful insights from a variety of data, with the help of the most acclaimed software tools in the dat
CH-210: BiochemistryLes constituants biochimiques de l'organisme, protéines, glucides, lipides, à la lumière de l'évolution des concepts et des progrès en biologie moléculaire et génétique, sont étudiés.
BIO-471: Cancer biology IThe course covers in detail molecular mechanisms of cancer development with emphasis on cell cycle control, genome stability, oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes.