CS-411: Digital educationThis course addresses the relationship between specific technological features and the learners' cognitive processes. It also covers the methods and results of empirical studies: do student actually l
CS-432: Computational motor controlThe course gives (1) a review of different types of numerical models of control of locomotion and movement in animals, from fish to humans, (2) a presentation of different techniques for designing mod
ME-390: Foundations of artificial intelligenceThis course provides the students with 1) a set of theoretical concepts to understand the machine learning approach; and 2) a subset of the tools to use this approach for problems arising in mechanica
NX-422: Neural interfacesNeural interfaces (NI) are bioelectronic systems that interface the nervous system to digital technologies. This course presents their main building blocks (transducers, instrumentation & communicatio
HUM-213: Cognitive psychologyEn Psychologie Cognitive nous nous intéressons aux processus mentaux, c'est à dire aux événements internes se produisant entre la stimulation sensorielle et l'expression manifeste d'un comportement. N
EE-311: Fundamentals of machine learningCe cours présente une vue générale des techniques d'apprentissage automatique, passant en revue les algorithmes, le formalisme théorique et les protocoles expérimentaux.
HUM-420: L'(in)action pro-environnementale ICet enseignement de Psychologie Sociale concerne l'étude des mécanismes cognitifs, émotionnels, motivationnels et sociaux impliqués dans le changement des comportements pro-environnementaux. Les étudi