BIO-207: Cellular and molecular biology IIThis course is aimed to familiarize students with the 3D organization of a eukaryotic cell, its compartmentalization, how cellular compartments communicate together and how a cell communicates with it
BIO-447: Stem cells and organoidsThis course introduces the fundamentals of stem cell biology, with a particular focus on the role of stem cells during development, tissue homeostasis/regeneration and disease, and the generation of o
BIO-692: Symmetry and Conservation in the CellThis course shows students how the physical principles of conservation, symmetry, and locality influence the dynamics of living organisms at the molecular and cellular level. Computer simulations are
BIO-684: Hot Topics in Cancer Research(1) To expose PhD students to cutting-edge research in the field of Cancer Research through attendance of lectures given by world-leading distinguished scientists in the field.
BIO-213: Biological chemistry IIBiochemistry is a key discipline in the Life Sciences. Biological Chemistry I and II are two tightly interconnected courses that aims to understand in molecular terms the processes that make life poss
BIO-603(BP): Practical - Barth LabThis course will convey the concepts and experimental techniques for studying the signal transduction mediated by receptors across biological membranes.
BIO-472: Cancer biology IIThe course covers in detail the interactions of cancer cells with their environment with an emphasis on tumor-angiogenesis, inflammation, adaptive and innate immunity and cancer-induced immune suppres
PHYS-301: Biophysics : physics of the cellIn this course we will study the cell (minimum unit of life) and its components. We will study several key cellular features: Membranes, genomes, channels and receptors. We will apply the laws of phys
CH-319: Experimental biochemistry and biophysicsA 7-week long (4+8 h) experiment where you plan and construct a fluorescent sensor protein starting from DNA bricks. The protein will be expressed in and purified from E.coli, characterized by bioche