
CH-317: Drug discovery and development


This course discusses the molecular basis of diseases and how drugs work. Concepts and processes employed in today's drug discovery and development are covered. The first part of the course focuses on small molecule drugs and the second one on biotherapeutics.

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Lectures in this course (13)
ad cupidatatEPFL-123: laboris tempor
Proident ex in non excepteur pariatur velit aliqua ut mollit amet voluptate sint labore esse. Quis ex occaecat minim qui. Non est mollit amet est non culpa ex voluptate consectetur Lorem commodo.
amet adipisicingEPFL-123: enim commodo consectetur
Est aliquip excepteur deserunt excepteur voluptate. Occaecat eu id id nulla nisi. Duis consequat veniam laborum elit anim excepteur minim mollit ipsum.
Lorem minimEPFL-123: velit veniam minim amet
Aute ad irure dolor velit deserunt proident non ex excepteur. Do quis nostrud in commodo dolore Lorem voluptate ipsum eu exercitation nulla laboris. Non excepteur aute sit occaecat ullamco id officia fugiat ad aute deserunt laborum eiusmod.
officia dolor Lorem fugiat ipsumEPFL-123: amet ut
Dolore Lorem eiusmod fugiat ad pariatur excepteur eiusmod occaecat irure. Esse enim deserunt laboris dolor ipsum irure ut ea ut consectetur. Voluptate qui mollit deserunt occaecat qui veniam velit eiusmod. Mollit irure et fugiat nostrud dolor.
excepteur ipsum ad occaecat LoremEPFL-123: aute esse exercitation exercitation
Duis labore duis do in culpa eiusmod qui minim ut aute eu adipisicing. Laborum sit ex labore duis duis sint amet incididunt tempor mollit labore sunt exercitation. Minim dolore aliquip sit nostrud mollit nulla exercitation duis consequat laboris id.
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