CS-471: Advanced multiprocessor architectureMultiprocessors are basic building blocks for all computer systems. This course covers the architecture and organization of modern multiprocessors, prevalent accelerators (e.g., GPU, TPU), and datacen
ENG-410: Energy supply, economics and transitionThis course examines energy systems from various angles: available resources, how they can be combined or substituted, their private and social costs, whether they can meet the energy demand, and how
CS-202: Computer systemsThis course will teach operating systems and networks in an integrated fashion,emphasising the fundamental concepts and techniques that make their interaction possible/practical. Core lectures will be
CS-522: Principles of computer systemsThis advanced graduate course teaches the key design principles underlying successful computer and communication systems, and shows how to solve real problems with ideas, techniques, and algorithms fr
CS-438: Decentralized systems engineeringA decentralized system is one that works when no single party is in charge or fully trusted. This course teaches decentralized systems principles while guiding students through the engineering of thei
MICRO-301: Manufacturing technologiesThis course gives an introduction to production methods and manufacturing technologies used in microengineering. The focus is given on the understanding of physical phenomena underlying the processes,
ENG-209: Data science for engineers with PythonCe cours est divisé en deux partie. La première partie présente le langage Python et les différences notables entre Python et C++ (utilisé dans le cours précédent ICC). La seconde partie est une intro
ME-451: Advanced energeticsMethods for the rational use and conversion of energy in industrial processes : how to analyse the energy usage, calculate the heat recovery by pinch analysis, define heat exchanger network, integrate