AR-402(ag): Studio MA2 (Fröhlich M. & A.)Qu'est-ce qu'une serre sans le végétal ? Ou un jardin d'hiver sans l'hiver ? Dans le cadre de la série « Tackle The Type », le studio étudiera les serres d'un point de vue typologique et explorera l'a
AR-302(ag): Studio BA6 (Fröhlich M. & A.)Qu'est-ce qu'une serre sans le végétal ? Ou un jardin d'hiver sans l'hiver ? Dans le cadre de la série « Tackle The Type », le studio étudiera les serres d'un point de vue typologique et explorera l'a
CS-401: Applied data analysisThis course teaches the basic techniques, methodologies, and practical skills required to draw meaningful insights from a variety of data, with the help of the most acclaimed software tools in the dat
AR-301(a): Studio BA5 (Viganò)The Studio explores the evolution of Parisian landscapes facing climate change. Through a deep reading of Paris to identify the various issues linked to the socio-ecological transition and its landsca
AR-302(a): Studio BA6 (Viganò)Is it conceivable to question the very presence of highways in urban environments? What potential for requalification does this space, with its unique characteristics, offer?
AR-402(a): Studio MA2 (Vigano)Is it conceivable to question the very presence of highways in urban environments? What potential for requalification does this space, with its unique characteristics, offer?