MATH-580: Specialisation semesterL'étudiant effectue un travail de spécialisation en entreprise ou dans un laboratoire de recherche à l'EPFL dans un domaine d'activité où ses compétences en statistique sont mises en valeur.
NX-591: Industry internship in Neuro-XThe industry internship is an integral part of the curriculum for master's students. They join companies in Switzerland or abroad to carry out an internship in a field of activity where the skills of
CS-411: Digital educationThis course addresses the relationship between specific technological features and the learners' cognitive processes. It also covers the methods and results of empirical studies: do student actually l
BIOENG-600: Monthly IBI-EDBB Mini-symposiaTo expose EDBB students to research in Bioengineering through attendance of lecture series given by EDBB students and external speakers. The objectives are to broaden the knowledge of students in the
PHYS-100: Advanced physics I (mechanics)La Physique Générale I (avancée) couvre la mécanique du point et du solide indéformable. Apprendre la mécanique, c'est apprendre à mettre sous forme mathématique un phénomène physique, en modélisant l