AR-638: Sensing Like a (Multipli)CityA hands-on approach on how sensing works is complemented with theoretical insights to reflect on the critical zones opened up for urban research by the expansion of coded environments, providing the s
AR-674: Transition workshop / Theory masterclassThe Transition Workshop1_ Theory Masterclass is the first theoretical part of a complete interdisciplinary and intensive training on the pathways for decarbonizing and resilient cities and regions, en
AR-680: Urbanism of Hope. 16th IFoU Conference.In a context of global crisis, the 16th IFoU conference focuses on attempts, approaches, and solutions on local level. To what extend are they able to reduce the impact of environmental disasters, to
CIVIL-309: Urban ThermodynamicsThe course analyzes urban neighborhoods from a thermodynamics perspective, focusing on heat exchange among buildings, vegetation, water, ground, environment, and people. Agroup project highlights the
CIVIL-404: Underground constructionThis course is addressed to students who want to deepen their knowledge of underground space and works, including planning, design and management, construction techniques and methods, risk assessment