PHYS-452: Radiation detectionThe course presents the detection of ionizing radiation in the keV and MeV energy ranges. Physical processes of radiation/matter interaction are introduced. All steps of detection are covered, as well
ME-464: Introduction to nuclear engineeringThis course is intended to understand the engineering design of nuclear power plants using the basic principles of reactor physics, fluid flow and heat transfer. This course includes the following: Re
PHYS-443: Physics of nuclear reactorsIn this course, one acquires an understanding of the basic neutronics interactions occurring in a nuclear fission reactor as well as the conditions for establishing and controlling a nuclear chain rea
PHYS-424: Plasma IIThis course completes the knowledge in plasma physics that students have acquired in the previous two courses, with a discussion of different applications, in the fields of magnetic confinement and co
PHYS-428: Relativity and cosmology IIThis course is the basic introduction to modern cosmology. It introduces students to the main concepts and formalism of cosmology, the observational status of Hot Big Bang theory
and discusses major
MSE-600: Effects of radiation on materialsThe purpose of this course is to provide the necessary background to understand the effects of irradiation on pure metals and on alloys used in the nuclear industry. The relation between the radiation
PHYS-415: Particle physics IPresentation of particle properties, their symmetries and interactions.
Introduction to quantum electrodynamics and to the Feynman rules.