COM-502: Dynamical system theory for engineersLinear and nonlinear dynamical systems are found in all fields of science and engineering. After a short review of linear system theory, the class will explain and develop the main tools for the quali
PHYS-467: Machine learning for physicistsMachine learning and data analysis are becoming increasingly central in sciences including physics. In this course, fundamental principles and methods of machine learning will be introduced and practi
PHYS-101(a): General physics : mechanicsLe but du cours de physique générale est de donner à l'étudiant les notions de base nécessaires à la compréhension des phénomènes physiques. L'objectif est atteint lorsque l'étudiant est capable de pr
MATH-410: Riemann surfacesThis course is an introduction to the theory of Riemann surfaces. Riemann surfaces naturally appear is mathematics in many different ways: as a result of analytic continuation, as quotients of complex
PHYS-100: Advanced physics I (mechanics)La Physique Générale I (avancée) couvre la mécanique du point et du solide indéformable. Apprendre la mécanique, c'est apprendre à mettre sous forme mathématique un phénomène physique, en modélisant l
BIO-341: Dynamical systems in biologyLife is non-linear. This course introduces dynamical systems as a technique for modelling simple biological processes. The emphasis is on the qualitative and numerical analysis of non-linear dynamical
MATH-106(f): Analysis IIÉtudier les concepts fondamentaux d'analyse et le calcul différentiel et intégral des fonctions réelles de plusieurs