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In course
Tempor aute laborum est fugiat. Laboris non esse irure aliquip Lorem id consectetur voluptate quis. Deserunt dolor ea eu irure laboris aute culpa occaecat tempor labore. Aliqua dolore eiusmod eu in sit aliqua magna. Eiusmod aliqua sint sint officia laborum anim labore tempor in esse reprehenderit magna eiusmod.
Explores logistic regression for predicting vegetation proportions in the Amazon region through remote sensing data analysis.
Introduces fundamental machine learning concepts, covering regression, classification, dimensionality reduction, and deep generative models.
Explores document analysis, topic modeling, and generative models for data generation in machine learning.
Explores logistic regression fundamentals, including cost functions, regularization, and classification boundaries, with practical examples using scikit-learn.
Explores decision trees for classification, entropy, information gain, one-hot encoding, hyperparameter optimization, and random forests.