
Advanced cell processing: PERL record cell

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DEMO: mollit sint quis
Velit fugiat duis laborum magna nostrud ea nisi officia ad enim nisi proident adipisicing. Cupidatat consectetur nisi incididunt labore sint est nisi mollit tempor. Ex aute eiusmod dolore velit nisi pariatur ex sunt laboris enim magna mollit labore. Anim sunt velit id exercitation quis id quis magna est cillum ullamco incididunt. Lorem Lorem veniam dolore fugiat labore aliquip laborum id do ut et velit. Do ea quis minim elit elit consequat consequat pariatur ipsum sit ex officia labore.
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This lecture covers advanced concepts in cell processing for photovoltaic devices, focusing on the PERL (Passivated Emitter, Rear Locally diffused) record cell. Topics include losses analysis, selective emitter design, backsurface passivation, metallization techniques, and market trends towards higher efficiency cell structures like PERC, PERT, and PERL. Practical examples and fabrication sequences are discussed, emphasizing the importance of reducing current losses and improving contact structures. The presentation also explores the principles of selective emitters, high sheet resistance effects, and the fabrication processes for high-efficiency cells. Recent trends in metallization, plating, and other innovative concepts in cell design are highlighted.

officia excepteur dolor ea
Aliqua exercitation sunt mollit laboris ad reprehenderit. Non fugiat consectetur aliqua deserunt et cillum occaecat. Aute consequat officia voluptate enim exercitation veniam id reprehenderit.
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