
Evolution of Information Systems and Digital Supply Chain

In courses (2)
DEMO: pariatur voluptate in aliqua
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This lecture covers the evolution of information systems and digital supply chain, discussing stages of development, key technologies like IoT, Big Data, and Blockchain, as well as the scope and characteristics of the supply chain. It explores the integration of ERP systems, strategic purchasing, and the impact of digitalization on various industries. The lecture also delves into the role of SAP platforms, e-commerce trends, and the future of physical points of sale. Additionally, it examines methods and tools in supply chain management, such as forecasting, S&OP processes, and the importance of agility and resilience. The presentation concludes with insights on continuous improvement, risk analysis, and the significance of process-oriented thinking.

mollit dolore sunt
Qui labore pariatur et voluptate proident laboris ut irure irure occaecat occaecat aliquip eu Lorem. Et adipisicing cillum consequat ipsum mollit occaecat tempor adipisicing commodo sint quis pariatur labore. Non nulla velit laborum laboris fugiat in officia ipsum et non veniam.
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