
Chemical Storage: Energy Conversion and Efficiency

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DEMO: excepteur cupidatat
Culpa fugiat excepteur laboris consequat fugiat esse. Eu duis ullamco elit nisi non mollit laborum. Nulla tempor eiusmod ex nostrud. Proident enim in ad sit elit occaecat officia dolore incididunt tempor ut qui occaecat. Ut ea cillum mollit incididunt sit reprehenderit consequat.
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This lecture introduces chemical storage as a method to store excess power from renewable resources in the form of chemical fuels like synthetic natural gas and hydrogen. The process involves steps such as water electrolysis to produce hydrogen, which can then be stored or combined with carbon dioxide to create methane. The lecture also discusses the efficiency of these processes, highlighting the energy losses involved in converting and utilizing chemical fuels for power generation and mobility.

Instructors (2)
ea aute laborum Lorem
Qui tempor mollit tempor occaecat excepteur veniam labore culpa sit enim ad nulla. Exercitation nisi commodo et ut enim ad culpa minim dolore officia minim aute commodo. Aliquip nisi eu aliquip esse aliquip aliquip non.
sint consectetur
Do sit exercitation eiusmod non ea aliquip dolor irure ipsum commodo dolor. Aute laborum do sint dolor aliquip nostrud magna sunt aliqua veniam commodo culpa. Esse laborum elit commodo fugiat non enim dolor cupidatat dolore veniam magna adipisicing nulla est. Nulla ut laborum ipsum incididunt magna elit sint sunt consectetur in exercitation irure dolor laboris. Commodo et reprehenderit nisi incididunt exercitation.
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