
Coxeter Groups: Reflections and Fundamental Regions

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This lecture covers the concept of Coxeter groups, focusing on reflections and fundamental regions. It explains how any reflection in a Coxeter group is conjugate to a simple reflection, using examples like the rigid symmetries of a cube. The lecture also delves into the fundamental regions of Coxeter groups, demonstrating how they are generated by reflections with respect to walls. The classification of Coxeter groups by Coxeter graphs is discussed, along with the properties of simple roots and fundamental weights. Various examples are provided to illustrate these concepts.

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Excepteur consectetur pariatur dolore culpa mollit dolore excepteur quis voluptate minim eiusmod. Amet duis ad do eiusmod esse ex ad consequat cupidatat amet sunt qui. Minim duis ipsum irure ut dolor anim officia nulla.
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