Examines market regulation, focusing on external benefits and the effects of subsidies on equilibrium price and quantity.
Explores the economic impact of innovations, focusing on valuation, consumer surplus, and welfare effects.
Explores state interventions in markets, focusing on price fixation, taxation, and monopolies.
Examines the interplay between market dynamics and social welfare, highlighting the roles of willingness to pay and willingness to accept in economic models.
Explores real estate market dynamics, including supply, demand, equilibrium, and market disruptions.
Covers demand analysis, focusing on willingness to pay, elasticity, and consumer behavior in response to price changes.
Explains the determination of equilibrium state prices in asset pricing through consumption market clearing and budget constraints.
Covers import demand, welfare effects, trade volume effects, and equilibrium in trading economies.
Explores cost-benefit analysis, consumer behavior, market equilibrium, and oil price effects.
Discusses external benefits, subsidies, and their impact on market equilibrium and surplus distribution.