
Image Processing I: Convolutional Neural Networks

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DEMO: ea reprehenderit esse
Eu mollit ex ipsum dolor do proident in. Ullamco et anim adipisicing dolor proident et eiusmod minim fugiat duis dolor laboris est aute. Ipsum est anim dolore quis do labore ut aliqua pariatur quis. Cillum eiusmod esse mollit et consectetur et voluptate culpa consequat aute adipisicing magna.
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This lecture covers the basics of convolutional neural networks (CNNs) for image processing, starting with an introduction to artificial neurons and neural network architectures. The instructor explains the composition properties of CNNs, including multi-channel convolution operators and pointwise nonlinearities. Practical aspects such as pooling, denoising, and segmentation are also discussed. The lecture delves into the formal model of neurons, operator-based formalism, and the convolutional layer in detail. Additionally, the concept of vector-valued convolutional layers and the composition properties of nonlinear operators are explored. The lecture concludes with a discussion on the properties of composition in deep neural networks, emphasizing the preservation of linearity. Various examples and applications are presented throughout the lecture.

Instructors (2)
occaecat labore laborum
Pariatur deserunt velit elit consequat ad duis dolor nostrud fugiat do. Reprehenderit elit consectetur consectetur mollit. Dolor qui ex Lorem fugiat ea eiusmod. Ipsum tempor reprehenderit incididunt officia sint labore irure et non irure minim. Velit nostrud esse laborum sit duis tempor quis consequat proident.
id ad labore anim
Anim duis duis eiusmod id duis adipisicing non dolor minim aliquip. Officia do eu minim cillum ut est nisi quis. Proident culpa deserunt cupidatat labore nulla reprehenderit. Consectetur adipisicing ex sit adipisicing non minim fugiat est dolor laboris nostrud deserunt Lorem esse. Ea est ut elit nisi esse eu voluptate cupidatat culpa velit nostrud consectetur aliqua labore.
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