
Building Physics: Lighting Strategies and Systems

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DEMO: magna cillum commodo
Dolore esse sint dolore ex non aliquip est sint dolor aute pariatur. Enim ut irure nisi sint magna excepteur dolore do ea labore elit. Cupidatat velit dolore pariatur labore aliqua mollit eu incididunt mollit cillum commodo quis. Do deserunt sint ullamco fugiat esse. Pariatur aliquip amet in do proident velit eiusmod pariatur duis sit sunt.
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This lecture covers topics related to building physics, focusing on lighting strategies and systems. It discusses the physiology of vision, including illumination and glare, as well as natural and artificial lighting sources. The lecture explores the principles of daylighting, color rendering, and the efficiency of different light sources. It also delves into the design considerations for optimal lighting performance in indoor spaces, such as luminous efficiency, color temperature, and the use of LED lamps. Additionally, it addresses the impact of lighting on visual comfort, energy efficiency, and the overall quality of illuminated environments.

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commodo occaecat voluptate
Magna tempor do exercitation duis reprehenderit in cillum laborum cillum. Nulla nostrud minim ullamco non esse velit laborum tempor ad pariatur dolor. Nulla velit deserunt laboris qui et duis dolore nulla consequat laborum. Et cupidatat ad labore nostrud laborum. Esse sint deserunt aliquip fugiat consectetur tempor adipisicing eiusmod elit est nostrud.
nisi voluptate
Quis dolore id anim labore. Et laboris deserunt minim dolore eiusmod ea irure occaecat enim mollit irure. Dolore laborum exercitation commodo dolor culpa nostrud ea veniam et sit proident cillum irure Lorem.
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