Explores quantum fluctuations and saddle-point approximation in quantum mechanics.
Covers the fundamentals of quantum mechanics, focusing on state systems and observable measurements.
Analyzes bound-state problems, Bohr-Sommerfeld quantization, and tunneling through potential barriers in quantum mechanics.
Explores quantum mechanics, energy quantization, and wave-particle duality in microscopic systems.
Introduces quantum mechanics, covering S-matrix, scattering amplitudes, and optical theorem.
Covers wave functions, De Broglie wavelength, and quantization in quantum mechanics.
Explains the representation for evolution in quantum mechanics and the application of path integrals.
Explores wave-particle duality in quantum physics, covering interference, matter waves, and energy quantization.
Introduces relativity into quantum mechanics and discusses the Dirac equation and 4x4 matrices.
Explores scattering theory, S-matrix, T-product, perturbation theory, and Schrödinger equation solutions.