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Ph.D., EPFL Photonics, PresentM.S., Bilkent University Material Science and Nanotechnology, 2018 - Master Thesis: "Spatiotemporal nonlinear dynamics in graded-index multimode fibers"B.S., Bilkent University Physics, June 2015 - Senior Project: "Dissipative Raman soliton laser" Main Publications:Teğin, U., Dinç, N. U., Moser, C., & Psaltis, D. (2021). Reusability report: Predicting spatiotemporal nonlinear dynamics in multimode fibre optics with a recurrent neural network. Nature Machine Intelligence, 1-5.Teğin, U., Yıldırım, M., Oğuz, İ., Moser, C., & Psaltis, D. (2020). Scalable Optical Learning Operator. arXiv preprint arXiv:2012.12404. Tegin, U., Rahmani, B., Kakkava, E., Psaltis, D., & Moser, C. (2020). Single-mode output by controlling the spatiotemporal nonlinearities in mode-locked femtosecond multimode fiber lasers. Advanced Photonics, 2(5), 056005. Teğin, U., Rahmani, B., Kakkava, E., Psaltis, D., & Moser, C. (2020). All-fiber spatiotemporally mode-locked laser with multimode fiber-based filtering. Opt. Express, 28, 23433-23438.
Teğin, U., Rahmani, B., Kakkava, E., Borhani, N., Moser, C., & Psaltis, D. (2020). Controlling spatiotemporal nonlinearities in multimode fibers with deep neural networks. APL Photonics, 5(3), 030804. Teğin, U., Kakkava, E., Rahmani, B., Psaltis, D., & Moser, C. (2019). Spatiotemporal self-similar fiber laser. Optica, 6(11), 1412-1415. Teğin, U., & Ortaç, B. (2018). Cascaded Raman scattering based high power octave-spanning supercontinuum generation in graded-index multimode fibers. Scientific Reports, 8(1), 1-7. Teğin, U., & Ortaç, B. (2018). All-fiber all-normal-dispersion femtosecond laser with a nonlinear multimodal interference-based saturable absorber. Optics Letters, 43(7), 1611-1614. Teğin, U., & Ortaç, B. (2017). Spatiotemporal instability of femtosecond pulses in graded-index multimode fibers. IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 29(24), 2195-2198.
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Demetri Psaltis, Christophe Moser, Ugur Tegin
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