
Andrei Shved

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Related publications (1)

Please note that this is not a complete list of this person’s publications. It includes only semantically relevant works. For a full list, please refer to Infoscience.

Synthesis of Organic Super-Electron-Donors by Reaction of Nitrous Oxide with N-Heterocyclic Olefins

Rosario Scopelliti, Kay Severin, Farzaneh Fadaei Tirani, Andrzej Sienkiewicz, Basile Curchod, Léonard Yannick Maurice Eymann, Ophélie Marie Planes, Paul Varava, Yizhu Liu, Andrei Shved

The reaction of nitrous oxide (N2O) with N-heterocyclic olefins (NHOs) results in cleavage of the N–O bond and formation of azo-bridged NHO dimers. The latter represent very electron-rich compounds with a low ionization energy. Cyclic voltammetry studies s ...