Non-invasive brain-computer interfaces are traditionally based on mu rhythms, beta rhythms, slow cortical potentials or P300 event-related potentials. However, there is mounting evidence that neural oscillations up to 200 Hz play important roles in processes such as attention, perception, motor action and conscious experience. In this preliminary study we propose to extend the investigations to the complete frequency spectrum and to compare the high frequency bands with the usual low frequencies. It appears that the 70-130 Hz band and the 170-230 Hz band performs better than the traditional 2-40 Hz band. In a second step we applied the same analysis to the estimated local field potentials from the scalp EEG. The same frequency bands show the best performances, and the use of eLFP leads to an increase of performances of ~5%.
Dario Alejandro Gordillo Lopez
, ,
Rolf Gruetter, Thanh Phong Kevin Lê, João Pedro Forjaco Jorge, Özlem Ipek