Although visual information processing in the monkey frontal eye field (FEF) has been well demonstrated, the contribution of its human homologue to vision is still unknown. Here we report a study of intracranial visual evoked potentials (VEPs) recorded from the human FEF which was identified by electrical cortical stimulation. Electrical stimulations and EEG recordings were carried out via subdural grid electrodes placed over the frontal cortex in three epileptic patients. Evoked eye movements were mainly horizontal and always directed to the hemispace contralateral to the stimulation site. Intracranial VEPs showed responses predominately to stimuli in the contralateral visual field. Our findings demonstrate a close relationship between the direction of the electrically elicited eye movements and the visual stimulus location which predominantly leads to neural responses in the FEF. These findings provide evidence for the functional role of the human FEF in the analysis of visual stimuli from the contralateral visual field as well as in the generation of eye movements towards these conspicuous targets.
Silvestro Micera, Simone Romeni, Laura Toni, Fiorenzo Artoni