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A thermogravimeter (TGA, Mettler-Toledo TGA/SDTA851(e)) was connected to an inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometer (ICP-OES, Varian Liberty 110) using a condensation interface (CI), which transforms gaseous high-boiling-temperature substances into solid (or liquid) aerosols. Argon was used as the carrier gas to transfer the aerosols into the ICP-OES for on-line elemental analysis. This new analytical TGA-CI-ICP-OES device, called TGA-ICP, is the first of its kind and allows one to study the thermochemically induced evaporation behavior of high-boiling-temperature substances, such as heavy metal compounds, under different thermochemical conditions. It allows the investigation of the behavior of large solid or liquid samples (100-500 mg), which is important for applying the results to industrial processes. So far, the CI principle has allowed only semiquantitative elemental analyses of hot gases when connected to an ICP-OES. In this work, we show that a direct calibration of the CI-ICP-OES device is possible in combination with a TGA. The intensities determined by ICP-OES could be directly related to gravimetrically determined evaporation rates of volatile model compounds. The results show model evaporation experiments with native CdCl2 and CdCl2 resulting from the reaction of CaCl2 with CdO. Cadmium was studied because it is a volatile toxic heavy metal and its thermal behavior is relevant in various waste-treatment and recycling processes.
Jürgen Brugger, Lorenz Hagelüken
Rafael Amorim Leandro De Castro Amoedo