Flood management is more than ever an issue for dam designers and engineering consulting firms in charge of rehabilitation works. Piano Key Weirs are a new cost-effective type of spillway designed to improve dams discharge capacity. These structures are particularly attractive: they can easily be built on existing structures and enable very high discharge capacities. Therefore, Piano Key Weirs are nowadays studied worldwide. Piano Key Weir description involves a lot of geometrical parameters (more than 30), which designations are not already universally defined. A naming convention is required to enhance exchanges and cooperation between the numerous developers. A naming convention has been developed at EDF – Hydro Engineering Center in cooperation with the Laboratory of Hydraulic Constructions (LCH), Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne and the Laboratory of Hydrology, Applied Hydrodynamics and Hydraulic Constructions (HACH), University of Liege. This paper describes the proposed naming convention and gives definitions and notations of the various geometrical parameters. This work represents a first attempt which should be updated with the contribution of stakeholders involved in this topic.
Anton Schleiss, Giovanni De Cesare, Erik Bollaert, Sabine Chamoun, Davide Wüthrich
Giovanni De Cesare, Christian Mörtl